Questions to ask during your Coffee Chat on Skilbi

Here is a list of 25 questions you can potentially ask during your coffee chats

Macy So

Last Update hace 2 años

What to ask during a coffee chat

As you start your conversation, don’t be shy to make small talk – it’s part of the relationship-building process. You can chat about the weather or your travel to the meeting location. If it’s a virtual meeting (All Skilbi meetings are Virtual), the pandemic and related topics can be a good ice-breaker. Stay away from sensitive topics such as politics, religion, physical appearance, or age.

If you’re ever stuck or feel lost or nervous during a coffee chat, here are some questions that you can ask to keep the conversation alive:

1. How did you get started in your career? I’d love to learn more about what you do and the core components involved.

2. What does a typical day at [company] look like for you? What do you like most about your job? What’s the most challenging part of your job?

3. What do you like most about working at [company]? (Or conversely) What are some less ideal aspects of working at [company]?

4. What's the most enjoyable aspect about working at x company, or with x technology? (Inversely, What are some less than ideal aspects of working at x company, or with x technology?)

5. Are there any meetups or networking events that you would recommend?

6. What’s the next chapter for you in your career?

7. Do you have any advice for someone like me – a newcomer who’s just getting started with their career in Canada? OR what skills do you think are most important for someone interested in a job like yours?

8. Do you have recommendations for anyone else I should talk to or resources I should explore?

9. What do you find the most interesting aspect of your job is / what is your favorite part of your job?

10. If you had to go back and advise yourself before starting this career path, what would you say?

11. How have your responsibilities shifted as you’ve progressed within this company?

12. Where do you see yourself in the future?

13. What motivates you to stay in this role; what makes you want to leave?

14. From your experience, how would you best characterize the company culture (of the place you’re working at)?

15. In your opinion, what weaknesses do most job candidates suffer that hurt them in the hiring process?

16. From your standpoint, what are the most boring parts of your role?

17. Could you tell me a bit more about your day-to-day responsibilities at your company (or on your team)?

18. What is the company’s culture and do you like it?

19. How should I be spending my time? What meetups/networking events do you find valuable?

20. What’s next for you in your career?

21. Where do you see yourself in 5 years/10 years/ 15 years?

22. Any advice for an aspiring data scientist/web developer? (or, what advice would you have liked to have had if you were in my position in your career?)

23. What could I do to significantly make an impact in the first 90 days?

24. You have been so helpful, is there anyone else you think I should chat with?

25. Do you know anyone hiring that I should take a look at?

Additional Resources

How To Prepare For A Virtual Coffee Chats?: Feeling nervous about your first coffee chats? Read this to ease our nerves.

Mentee Guide: Are you a mentee? Read this article to get yourself started!

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