Becoming a Mentor

Step by step guide to sign up on Skilbi as a mentor.


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu


At Skilbi, we accelerate students' career development by leveraging the power of our workforce and community for networking and skill development.

Sign Up Overview For Mentors:

1. Create a Skilbi Account

2. Apply to Become a Mentor

3. Join the Mentor Hub

4. Engage in Coffee Chats and Mentorship

A Complete Profile has the following elements:

1. Profile Picture

2. Tagline and Bio

3. Get to Know Me Prompts

4. Skills and Interests

5. Language

6. Education

7. Experience

A complete profile enables students to have a good understanding of who you are, what your interests and experiences look like, and how it fits into their career goals.

A complete profile invites students to request coffee chats and helps ease into first conversations.

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